Sunday, May 29, 2011

Beneficial Friendship: Friends that Have Sex (CCL #11)

No Strings Attached, in my opinion, is a hilarious movie. It is based on the premise of Emma (Portman) and Adam (Kutcher) having a friendship with sexual involvement. Things are fine and hedonistically functional in the beginning. However, problems arise when the eventual amorous feeling arise. After much contention, they start being what they were meant to be: a couple. Naturally, they hilariously worked to avoid the unavoidable. 

If Adam was paying attention, though, he would have caught the moment of foreshadowing.
During the end of the session in which they establish their limits, a neighbor is walking his dog. Adam kisses Emma goodbye and eyes his neighbor. He states “We are sex friends. You know…friends that have sex.”

In classic fashion, the neighbor replies “That’s not possible.”

And what’s the CCL for this round? Let me make it simple: It is highly likely to have/maintain “friends with benefits”. 

The reason that this can be considered a “lie” is due to the complexity of it all. Having a friendship can become complex enough. Adding sex to the mix? That can make things even more taxing. In the end, “friends with benefits will have you losing benefits. 

I do, however, understand the intentions behind this ironic phenomenon. Why not have a worry free, no commitment relationship. It is always good to get great sex from someone you can trust. There are few worries of doing too much or trying to be romantic. Conclusively, you can “get a nut off” without working your butt off. 

Many people see the viability with having “beneficial friendships”.  A study published in the journal Archives of Sexual Behavior with 125 undergraduate students from Wayne State University and Michigan State University questioning the viability of these relationships noted that two-thirds of participants had been in a "friends with benefits" relationship, 36 percent were currently in one [1]. Even more understanding was the reasoning behind having this type of relationship. The participants felt the true advantage of such a relationship was "no commitment" (reported by 59.7 percent of participants), which was followed closely by "have sex" (55.6 percent) [2]. So, there are those that find “friends with benefits” worthwhile. 

With “friends with benefits” relationships, you have the best of both worlds. Yet, the only example of “best of both worlds” came in musical form with Jay-Z and R. Kelly. That REALLY worked out well, didn’t it?

All jokes aside, there is an enormous reason that these relationships usually need a “caution” sign attached to it: there is likelihood that someone will catch feelings. What people fail to realize is that there is a real difficulty in separating emotions from sexuality [3]. For humans, sexuality is more than a mere hedonistic occurrence. Sexuality, and sexual intercourse, has a tendency of being more of a physical/spiritual/mental connection between two people. Even more, It strips us, if just for a moment, of all of our social masks, and bares our physical desires (and some might argue, our souls) to the other person [4]. In turn, “friends with benefits” needs a caution sign for all people to cautiously understand what they are sacrificing within these types of relationships. 

Yet, the structural form of that relationship is no match for human biology. People have not realized that our bodies release oxytocin, the “love and cuddle hormone”. Both sexes possess it and it is usually released during sexual intercourse or moments of love [5]. It plays an important role in ALL relationships, whether they are amorous or regular friendships. They can lead to preferential treatment of people, the love of pets, and even the dampening effect of cortisol (the depression chemical). Therefore, we are biologically wired for relationships when sex enters the fray. 
Please note that oxytocin levels taper off if someone does something you don’t like. However, people do need to realize that oxytocin exists in both males and females. 

Adding it all up, here is why “friends with benefits” relationships are troubling: they structurally make no sense. Simple friendships are fine, but even some of those are suspect to chemical attachment due to oxytocin. Then, people think “Hey, we are friends….why not have sex!” They come up with this bright idea not understanding that sexuality increases this love hormone, causing even more attachment, even more increased feelings. Potentially, a person may end up catching feelings with their friend they were only supposed to have sex with. 

Then again, people are looking at their relationships from the wrong lens. Great relationships are built off of great friendships. They are not companionships that just develop into love. They come from situations where the oxytocin levels increase from minimal to overdrive. They come from situations where you see that you don’t want to live life unless that person is next to you. They come from situations where you would rather be with that person instead of having a bunch of “unemotional trysts”. Consequently, great romances are best built off of great friendships. 

“Friends with benefits” exists out of unfounded convenience. In the beginning, they work because there is no commitment. Yet, many dissolve because of the elephant in the room: the commitment that SHOULD be there does not exist. Eventually, either the people start dating or they leave it all alone. In many cases, though, “friends with benefits” should not be approached. In reality, “friends with benefits” tends not to work out because those involved disregard its true benefit: being in love.

‘Nuff said and ‘Nuff respect!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Dating a Black Man in Their Mid-Twenties

Another hilarious rendition of the classic videos. And people, by all means, don't stereotype the situation. Everyone isn't like this. It is just that too many are like this. 

Friday, May 13, 2011

Dating in a Hip Hop Society

People need to check this out. And that is all I have to say about this. 

Monday, May 9, 2011

Looking for Something New: Chocolate Covered Lie #10

I don’t care what anyone says, Chris Rock is hilarious.
He isn’t funny for being silly. He is funny because he is either truthful or perceptively intelligent.
During one of his past comedy specials, Rock mentioned the concept of “new pussy”. He explained the benefits of “new pussy” being that it always “clears your mind”. However, draw backs included “lack of long term commitment (can’t cook, can’t read, can’t take care of you). Still, the reasoning was on point. Conclusively, Rock managed to note a real reason for men to stray away: to find something new.

Yet, many females feel this is the ONLY reason. Thus, it is time to uncover another chocolate covered lie: All men cheat to get something/someone new.
The confusion behind it all is simple: men do enjoy new women in their life. Men do enjoy things that are different from the norm. Having something “new” can give you a different feeling than the “same ole, same ole”. Also, there is always that possibility of finding something “better”. In the end, there are always going to be reasons to deal with a different woman.
Although finding someone new is a good reason for a man to stray away, it is not the only reason.  In fact, one good reason has nothing to do with another woman at all. It has more to do with the prescription of the male biology.
Initially, monogamy is something that is nearly relegated to the human species alone. Paul J. Zak, neuroeconomist at Clarmount Graduate University at Clarmount, CA, noted this:
Studies have shown that about three percent of mammals are socially monogamous. This means that males and females cohabitate to jointly raise offspring. Genetic studies have shown that few of these paired animals are sexually monogamous. Yet, many of these animals continue to be socially monogamous. [1]

Having said that, there is little wonder as to why you see so many affairs going on.  
More than finding something new, men crave something even deeper: variety.  That’s because it’s very simple for men to reproduce (one act of sex versus nine months of pregnancy for women), so to create as many offspring as possible they’re biologically programmed to mate with many women [2]. Over the years, men have conquered, or worked to conquer, as many women as possible. It is even pushed in our upbringing (allowing a young man to soil is oats, per se). Realistically, it doesn’t have to be someone “new”. It could be an old flame from years before. There is a chance that man will want to have more than one. Not all men are like this. Yet, many are. What must be accepted is that, through biological means and cultural interventions, men like to have more than one woman.

Another aspect of straying men is the LACK of sex/sexuality that comes into play. Oh, you remember those nights when “you didn’t feel like it”. You can recall that time when he was throbbing with testosterone and you gave him the cold shoulder because you were mad. Well, those choices you made do have some consequences. Just because you won your prize (man or boyfriend), does not mean you can stop trying. Effort is required to keep that sex life alive. Some men cheat because they want to try new sexual things that their current partner will not try [3].

And for any woman that is reading this, I know it looks horrible. The woman has to worry about being “sexy enough” and the man being “satisfied enough”. Yet, as biological and cultural it may be, men can still make a choice about it all. Still, at the end of the day, men do make the choice. So, it is up to the man to either cheat or not to cheat.

Men won’t get off the hook in my research. Responsibility is responsibility.

Yet, women don’t really make it any easier for the men. Instead of making sure that we feel appreciated for what we do, women tend to give us sex to pacify us. Often, though, that doesn’t really do anything for the male.


Well, because men actually do enjoy a compliment every now and then. A pat on the back doesn’t hurt. M. Gary Neuman, author of The Truth About Cheating, noted this:

Most men consider it unmanly to ask for a pat on the back, which is why their emotional needs are often overlooked. But you can create a marital culture of appreciation and thoughtfulness — and once you set the tone, he’s likely to match it. [4]

Men aren’t going to ask for their props like it’s a handout. Why should we ask for something that you should be giving us anyway? Also, there is the aspect of pointing out his faults all the time instead of appreciating greatness. Keep it honest: if that man does not possess anything worthwhile, then you have no reason to be with him. Pointing out where he fails instead of either raising him up or helping him with his issues does not make for a good relationship. Yet, it can make for a great break up.

 Don’t want to lose your man? Well, appreciating him can take you a long way. Men can’t get sexy anywhere. It is the intangibles that make us stay.  

Oh, and if you have doubts about the research, M. Gary Neuman interviewed plenty of MEN to get his answers. Not women. But men. You usually wouldn’t ask the chicken how chicken tastes, would you?

So, let me break it down for you all out there: there are two main categories for your cheating man: dissatisfaction and lack of control over animalistic urges. The vast majority of your cheating will revolve around those two situations. There are some other reasons that may not fit (women allowing their men to cheat, to see if they can get away with it). However, if that man is cheating on you then either there is something wrong with what YOU are doing or there is something wrong with HIM. There is no way around it.

Ladies: by all means, if you gonna be with that man you gotta go hard or just go home. Let the other women have him if you don’t want to put in the work.

Men: if you know full well that your penis serves as your GPS for your actions, leave these women along and just be Leon Phelps. Get a bottle of Courvoisier, grow a fro, womanize, fraternize, and sexualize the women of your choice and keep it moving.

‘Nuff said and ‘Nuff respect!